Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Girly cookies!

Girly cookies = pink and purple and sparkles and sprinkles! I had a fun time making these cookies. Kristal was nice enough to do the photo shoot for Lindsay Marie and I in exchange for a batch of cookies and a batch of cupcakes. I think we got the good end of the deal there! Her pictures are phenomental! This week I finally had time to bake the cookies for her. She requested something for her daughters and the only request was something "girly" and pink. Done and done! I delivered them today and when I asked her daughter if she liked cookies she said, "I like pink cookies!" I am told that the cookies were enjoyed and that makes me very happy! Thanks again Kristal!

1 comment:

  1. "phenomental" you are so sweet! I always end up thinking how much better I could have done! Lol, but thanks. They are cute but it's hard to take bad pics of two gorgeous girls! :) Loved the cookies and the cupcakes, thanks ladies. Someone knocked on the door after you left that day and Kacie got all excited thinking it was you again to bring more cookies, haha.
